Valid reason for personal use? What landlords need to consider


Landlords have the option of terminating a tenancy agreement and registering personal use for themselves, close relatives or household members. However, there are various aspects to consider here. If a termination is to be made due to personal use, the landlord must observe the prescribed notice per…

Person packs moving box due to termination of personal use

Prior notice of conveyance: definition, rights and obligations

Mother and child find out about the priority notice of conveyance

Anyone who buys a property and signs the purchase contract is not yet the official owner of the property.…

What should be regulated in a notarized purchase agreement?

Modern designed bedroom

When a house or apartment is sold, a notarized contract is mandatory according to the German Civil Code (…

The one-bedroom apartment as an investment: how to make a return

Modern one-room apartment that could serve as an investment.

Due to population growth and increasing urban growth, space in the centers of popular cities such as Berl…

Rent increase letter: These reasons apply to the rent increase

Coins are put into a piggy bank

What is a reason for a rent increase and what do landlords need to bear in mind? There are often question…

Community of owners: your rights and duties


According to the legal definition, the term “community of owners” refers to the entirety of all apartment owners within a condominium complex. It is therefore an association of owners of apartments within a building in which the members m…

Small celebration within a community of owners

Is the sale of a condominium subject to tax?

Modern living room with a beautiful ambience.

Whether you can sell your condominium tax-free depends on various factors. In this article, we explain th…

Leverage effect in real estate: the advantages of the leverage effect explained

Visualization of the leverage effect

If you are thinking about investing your money, you should find out about it in detail. There are a few t…

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